Savarese Software Research Corporation
utility Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for ssrc/wispers/utility/:


file  AppendToContainer.h [code]

This header defines the AppendToContainer template class and its specializations.

file  BindProperties.h [code]

This header defines the BindProperties class.

file  checkpoint.h [code]

This header defines utility functions for checkpointing data structures.

file  CircularFind.h [code]

This header defines the CircularFind class.

file  CTypeWrapper.h [code]

This header defines the CTypeWrapper class.

file  DynamicLibrary.h [code]

This header defines the DynamicLibrary class.

file  emplace.h [code]

This header defines multi-parameter container insertion functions along the lines of C++0x container_type::emplace().

file  endian.h [code]

This header defines functions for determining endianness.

file  LoadError.h [code]

This header defines the LoadError class.

file [code]
file  memusage.h [code]

This header defines platform-specific functions for retrieving process memory usage.

file  NumberVisitor.h [code]

This header defines the NumberVisitor class.

file  PrependToContainer.h [code]

This header defines the PrependToContainer template class and its specializations.

file  print_memusage.h [code]

This header defines inline utility functions for printing memory usage to stderr for debugging purposes.

file  utility/Properties.h [code]

This header defines the Properties class.

file  properties_ptr.h [code]

This header defines a forward declaration for the Properties class and properties_ptr.

file [code]
file  PropertiesToString.h [code]

This header defines the PropertiesToString class.

file  Random.h [code]

This header defines the Random class.

file  RandomId.h [code]

This header defines the RandomId class.

file  serialize_shared_ptr.h [code]

This header defines serialization functions for boost::shared_ptr to avoid the memory leaks in the boost 1.41.0 implementation and taking advantage that Wispers does not require object tracking or serialization of polymorphic types via base class pointers.

file  serialize_unique_ptr.h [code]

This header defines serialization functions for SSRC_UNIQUE_PTR, which may be std::auto_ptr or std::unique_ptr depending on the compilation environment.

file  service_main.h [code]

This header defines the service_main utility function template.

file  ServiceMainOptions.h [code]

This header defines the ServiceMainOptions class.

file  StringTo.h [code]

This header defines the StringTo class.

file  Timer.h [code]

This header defines the Timer class.

file  ToString.h [code]

This header defines the ToString class.

file  unordered_map.h [code]

This header includes <unordered_map> with serialization support.

file [code]
file  uuid_key.h [code]

uuid_key_type serialization and string conversion functions.

file [code]
file  UUIDGenerator.h [code]

This header defines the UUIDGenerator class.

file [code]
file  WebStrings.h [code]

Savarese Software Research Corporation
Copyright © 2006-2011 Savarese Software Research Corporation. All rights reserved.