Savarese Software Research Corporation
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 Carray_device_adapter This is a Boost iostreams direct device whose begin and end pointers can be modified
 Nssrc::wisp The ssrc::wisp namespace is an umbrella for the namespaces that implement the Wisp development framework
 Nprotocol The protocol namespace contains classes that define the framework for implementing and accessing Wisp service protocols
 Ndetail The protocol::detail namespace defines implementation-specific structures that are not intended for use by library client code
 CVoidReturnType An empty structure used to represent a void return type for Wisp calls
 CCallException A CallException is thrown when a call cannot complete because of an unexpected condition
 CCallHeader Every call is described by a CallHeader followed by a message
 CCallTraits The three-parameter CallTraits template defines all the type information characterizing a TwoWay call
 CCallTraits< CallerType, ParameterType, detail::VoidReturnType > The two-parameter CallTraits template defines all the type information characterizing a OneWay call
 CMessageInfo Stores all information associated with a received call, including the raw message data
 CFutureContinuation< CallTraits_, std::function< void(const typename CallTraits_::return_type &)> >
 CPacker Packer serializes objects into ssrc::spread::detail::ByteBuffer instances (usually a ssrc::spread::Message instance)
 CServiceFactory< service_type, options_type, false >
 CServiceFactory< service_type, options_type, true >
 Csmart_ptr_factory< T, std::shared_ptr< T > >
 Csmart_ptr_factory< T, std::unique_ptr< T > >
 CUnpacker Unpacker deserializes objects from ssrc::spread::detail::ByteBuffer instances (usually a ssrc::spread::Message instance)

Savarese Software Research Corporation
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