Savarese Software Research Corporation
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Copyright 2009 Savarese Software Research Corporation
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00022 #ifndef __SSRC_WSPR_LOGIN_WS_H
00023 #define __SSRC_WSPR_LOGIN_WS_H
00025 #include <ssrc/wispers/login/protocol.h>
00026 #include <ssrc/wispers/ws/protocol.h>
00027 #include <ssrc/wispers/group_session/protocol.h>
00028 #include <ssrc/wispers/utility/ToString.h>
00032 using NS_SSRC_WSPR_GROUP_SESSION::GroupSessionProtocol;
00033 using NS_SSRC_WSPR_WS::WebServiceProtocol;
00034 using NS_SSRC_WSPR_WS::WebServiceCallContextTwoWay;
00035 using NS_SSRC_WSPR_UTILITY::properties_ptr;
00036 using NS_SSRC_WSPR_UTILITY::ToString;
00038 // The representation of a uid_to_login map entry is as an array:
00039 //   { login, is_logged_in }
00040 // This is more compact than:
00041 //   { login = value, is_logged_in = value }
00042 // which requires that key strings be allocated for each entry.
00043 inline const properties_ptr &
00044 set_uid_to_login(const properties_ptr & template_data,
00045                  const uid_login_map & login_map,
00046                  ToString & to_string)
00047 {
00048   using NS_SSRC_WSPR_UTILITY::Properties;
00049   using NS_SSRC_WSPR_UTILITY::primitive_property_vector;
00050   Properties * logins = template_data->create_node("uid_to_login");
00052   for(uid_login_map::const_iterator && it = login_map.begin(),
00053         && end = login_map.end(); it != end; ++it)
00054   {
00055     // We store login/status pair as array to avoid overhead of storing
00056     // extra keys for each entry since generating uid_login_maps is such
00057     // a common operation.
00058     primitive_property_vector & values =
00059       logins->create_primitive_property_vector(to_string(it->first));
00060     values.push_back(it->second.login);
00061     values.push_back(it->second.is_logged_in);
00062   }
00064   return template_data;
00065 }
00067 namespace detail {
00069 template<typename caller_type>
00070 inline void
00071 continue_find_logins(caller_type & caller, ToString & to_string,
00072                      const WebServiceCallContextTwoWay & context,
00073                      const properties_ptr & template_data,
00074                      const LoginProtocol::CallFindLoginForUID::return_type & result)
00075 {
00076   caller.template reply<WebServiceProtocol::CallResponse>(ssrc::spread::Message::FIFOSelfDiscard, context.sender, context.token, context.session, set_uid_to_login(template_data, result.logins, to_string));
00077 }
00079 template<typename caller_type>
00080 inline void
00081 continue_find_logins2(caller_type & caller, ToString & to_string,
00082                       const std::string & relay_group,
00083                       const GroupSessionProtocol::MessageRelayEvent & mre,
00084                       const LoginProtocol::CallFindLoginForUID::return_type & result)
00085 {
00086   set_uid_to_login(mre.event, result.logins, to_string);
00087   caller.template send<GroupSessionProtocol::CallRelayEvent>(relay_group, mre);
00088 }
00090 template<typename caller_type>
00091 inline void
00092 continue_find_logins3(caller_type & caller, ToString & to_string,
00093                       const std::string & event_queue,
00094                       const WebServiceProtocol::MessageDeliverEvent & mde,
00095                       const LoginProtocol::CallFindLoginForUID::return_type & result)
00096 {
00097   set_uid_to_login(mde.template_data, result.logins, to_string);
00098   caller.template send<WebServiceProtocol::CallDeliverEvent>(event_queue, mde);
00099 }
00101 }
00103 template<typename caller_type>
00104 inline void find_logins(caller_type & caller,
00105                         ToString & to_string,
00106                         const std::string & login_service,
00107                         const LoginProtocol::MessageFindLoginForUID & msg,
00108                         const WebServiceCallContextTwoWay & context,
00109                         const properties_ptr & template_data)
00110 {
00111   auto continuation =
00112     [&caller, &to_string, context, template_data](const LoginProtocol::CallFindLoginForUID::return_type & result)->void {
00113     detail::continue_find_logins<caller_type>(caller, to_string, context,
00114                                               template_data, result);
00115   };
00116   caller.template
00117     future_call<LoginProtocol::CallFindLoginForUID>(std::move(continuation),
00118                                                     login_service, msg);
00119 }
00121 template<typename caller_type>
00122 inline void find_logins(caller_type & caller,
00123                         ToString & to_string,
00124                         const std::string & login_service,
00125                         const LoginProtocol::MessageFindLoginForUID & msg,
00126                         const std::string & relay_group,
00127                         const GroupSessionProtocol::MessageRelayEvent & mre)
00128 {
00129   auto continuation =
00130     [&caller, &to_string, relay_group, mre](const LoginProtocol::CallFindLoginForUID::return_type & result)->void {
00131     detail::continue_find_logins2<caller_type>(caller, to_string, relay_group,
00132                                                mre, result);
00133   };
00134   caller.template
00135     future_call<LoginProtocol::CallFindLoginForUID>(std::move(continuation),
00136                                                     login_service, msg);
00137 }
00139 template<typename caller_type>
00140 inline void find_logins(caller_type & caller,
00141                         ToString & to_string,
00142                         const std::string & login_service,
00143                         const LoginProtocol::MessageFindLoginForUID & msg,
00144                         const std::string & event_queue,
00145                         const WebServiceProtocol::MessageDeliverEvent & mde)
00146 {
00147   auto continuation =
00148     [&caller, &to_string, event_queue, mde](const LoginProtocol::CallFindLoginForUID::return_type & result)->void {
00149     detail::continue_find_logins3<caller_type>(caller, to_string, event_queue,
00150                                                mde, result);
00151   };
00152   caller.template
00153     future_call<LoginProtocol::CallFindLoginForUID>(std::move(continuation),
00154                                                     login_service, msg);
00155 }
00159 #endif

Savarese Software Research Corporation
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