Release Notes - Web Wispers - Version 1.2.2 ** Bug * [No Issue] - Fix GCC 4.7.0 compilation errors ** Improvement * [WSPR-24] - Replace cppunit unit tests with Boost.Test Release Notes - Web Wispers - Version 1.2.1 ** New Feature * [WSPR-29] - Add -D option to renderer/relay explictly specifying template source directory ** Task * [No Issue] - Port build system to 64-bit Solaris with GCC 4.6.0 * [No Issue] - Start replacing cppunit tests with Boost.Test ** Improvement * [No Issue] - Make PropertiesToString always quote key names * [No Issue] - Add DeliverEvents call to event queue and RelayEvents call to group session Release Notes - Web Wispers - Version 1.2.0 ** Task * [WSPR-21] - Port to Wisp 1.2.0 and GCC 4.5.0 Release Notes - Web Wispers - Version 1.1.5 ** Task * [WSPR-20] - Port code and build system to Mac OS X 10.6.2 Release Notes - Web Wispers - Version 1.1.4 ** New Feature * [WSPR-19] - Add UUID generator class and uuid_key_type ** Improvement * [WSPR-16] - Refactor WebServiceRunner::validate_call for use by WebService * [WSPR-17] - Make WebService a regular class Release Notes - Web Wispers - Version 1.1.3 ** Defect * [WSPR-15] - Add missing total_sessions property to template_data in process_find_group_sessions_result Release Notes - Web Wispers - Version 1.1.2 ** Improvement * [WSPR-13] - Extend cross-site request forgery protection to non-AJAX form submission * [WSPR-14] - Add result_is_event option to ActionConfig and convert Properties to json without Lua template Release Notes - Web Wispers - Version 1.1.1 ** Bug * [WSPR-11] - boost::shared_ptr serialization leaks memory ** Improvement * [WSPR-9] - Keep running tally of groups and reservations in GroupService * [WSPR-12] - Allow caching of .lua template environments in addition to .ltp templates Release Notes - Web Wispers - Version 1.1.0 ** Improvement * [WSPR-7] - Eliminate GroupSessionMetadata table and replicated login names * [No Issue] - Enable BindProperties to bind sequences * [No Issue] - Refactor RowOperations into RowOperationsReadOnly and RowOperations, allowing use of MultiRowOperations with views ** Task * [No Issue] - Import LoginProtocol from WispersX Release Notes - Web Wispers - Version 1.0.5 ** New Feature * [No Issue] - Add InsertToContainer functor * [No Issue] - Add find_row utility function ** Improvement * [No Issue] - Add column offset to WSPR_DB_ROW::load_row, DefaultValueLoader, and SerializableValueLoader Release Notes - Web Wispers - Version 1.0.4 ** New Feature * [No Issue] - Add PrependtToContainer functor ** Improvement * [No Issue] - Add automatic statement reset to DatabaseException Release Notes - Web Wispers - Version 1.0.3 ** Bug * [No Issue] - strip_html truncates trailing text after last pattern match * [No Issue] - strip_html doesn't handle commented regions correctly ** New Feature * [No Issue] - Allow different web service runner module configs to use the same dynamic shared object without loading it multiple times * [No Issue] - Add StatusRequest/Reply to basic service protocol * [No Issue] - Add serialization support for SSRC_UNIQUE_PTR (auto_ptr or unique_ptr depending on compilation environment) * [No Issue] - Add MultiRowOperations database convenience class ** Improvement * [No Issue] - Add automatic parameter validation to WebServiceRunner * [No Issue] - Add compile-time extraction of key column indices to WSPR_DB_ROW via ::Key::column member Release Notes - Web Wispers - Version 1.0.2 ** New Feature * [No Issue] - Add NumberVisitor class and get_number utility functions ** Improvement * [No Issue] - Add WSPR_SERVICE_MAIN_WITH_INIT macro * [No Issue] - Move WSPR_DEFINE_PROTOCOL uses to service-specific protocol.h headers ** Task * [No Issue] - Disable exception specifications for C++ compilation, but expose to SWIG wrapper generator * [No Issue] - Use std::unique_ptr instead of deprecated std::auto_ptr when available * [No Issue] - Session service doesn't compile with GCC 4.4.0 Release Notes - Web Wispers - Version 1.0.1 ** New Feature * [No Issue] - Add map_to_table Lua utility function Release Notes - Web Wispers - Version 1.0.0 ** Task * [No Issue] - Prepare for public release